

Kirk’s content writers have the experience and understanding of SEO to fill your site with strong content with adequate keywords.

SEO Copywriting

Our SEO copywriting services utilize science, craftsmanship and salesmanship to target your desired market. You need the right message displayed to your target audience, so this is not the job for dabblers or people who don't have professional experience writing for the digital market. Effective content writing ties in your search engine optimization and marketing strategy all in one in order to drive the right customers to your website.

Kirk Tech Solutions sees SEO copywriting as a major stepping stone to increasing web traffic and sending your site on the rise. Our team of writers will follow our company’s SEO approach to thoroughly understand the ins and outs of your business. We will study the right target audience and maximize your social media presence with quality posts and quality writing. With the ability to explain industry-specific terminology to various types of audiences, hiring a professional content writer can enhance your traffic, traction and clicks on your site.

Producing high-quality SEO content is becoming a very crucial aspect in establish a long-lasting SEO approach. SEO copywriting deals with writing content that can connect with your target audience. This could be writing that is placed directly on your website or from social media posts that tease users into clicking on your links. The fresher the material, the more relevant it will be for users and customers on your site and social media accounts. This is why it can be key for websites to frequently update their content throughout their site to ensure the content is up-to-date.

Search engines, such as Google, are growing to be more and more advanced, with the ability to recognize when keywords and keyword phrases are used too often within a block of text, when there is duplicate content across platforms, recognize poorly written content or irrelevant content on sites. Google’s search algorithm has over 200 ranking factors. With the sophistication to determine and scan keywords and keyword phrases, it is crucial that SEO copywriting is compelling, relevant and professional in order to get ranked higher on search, generate leads and enhance revenue. With strong SEO copywriting, your site will be primed to earn more clicks.

Kirk will use the keywords we unearth from our SEO performance reports. Once we have the adequate keywords, our team of writers will implement them into your site to maximize search engine rankings and also for social media posts that can directly link social media users to your website. Our SEO reports will be done frequently for your site to ensure it stays relevant with keywords. Beyond content, we will write press releases, blog posts, social media posts, and articles for your site to build the best SEO approach possible.

The most important aspect of SEO is content writing—content is king. Search engines cannot see pictures, so placing information in the form of text is crucial within the meta data of your website. While the design and functionality of your site are high priority, content helps search and allows potential or current clients to become engaged with the site.

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