One of the most overlooked aspects of running a PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign is the effective use of the “Content Network”. The content network is essentially a catelog of websites that allow Google to advertise on them. Traditionally the problem with using the content network is that your ads show up on personal blogs and sites that really are not targeted to your market. Most PPC firms simply shut off the content network. This is a good strategy to reduce unwanted burn of limited funds, but companies are missing out on some pontentially great leads. One way that Kirk Communications effectively uses the content network is to develop dynamic and effective GIF and JPG ads. These ads are not only more compelling than traditional Google Ads but it enables our team to target only specific websites rather than the entire content network. This can lower the entire cost per click and cost per conversion. In addition, clicks from these hyper targeted sites tend to convert much higher that traditional Google ads. So don’t ignore the content network, just use it more effectively!