As a website design & development company we routinely see online and email offers for SEO copywriting. Some from the Philippines offer complete off-page articles, press releases and online blogs for as little as $2.50 each. Other companies charge a flat fee for a specified number of off-page SEO copywriting content pieces for a certain monthly charge. These range from several dollars to several hundred dollars.
But, like every business transaction, you get what you pay for. And while you can expect to pay less for SEO copywriting content written by a website design & development company in places like Bangladesh, India and the Philippines, you get precisely what you pay for.
Take this single run-on sentence from a blog, which is fairly typical of the kind of SEO copywriting you get from Mumbai.
"So all the calls for your car all the time and people coming over to check your car now and then will not be there. So in short you peacefully sell your car."
The keyword phrase, "sell your car" is in there, but the sentence is virtually unintelligible. Combined with the fact that the entire blog and dozens like it were posted to irrelevant links caused the site with these blogs to be penalized by Google. We had to go in, clean up the bad SEO copywriting, find all the unnatural links and restore our client's standing with search engines.
Needless to say, our client saved no money using the Mumbai website design & development company for SEO copywriting. To be fair, if I had to write in Hindu or any of the 150 languages used in India, my writing would be even more unintelligable. There's a lot you can get done in another country and it will be done quite well. But, high quality SEO copywriting is almost never one of them.
Kirk Communications SEO company leads the way in NH SEO