He's ten, he's smart as hell and he's coming to take down your website.
Meet Ridha Ramadhani. Based on the photos he's posted on Facebook, he looks to be about ten. Ridha likes Metallica, Adele and video games. He also likes Java Cyber Army, Hacker Anon Ghost Indonesia and Dragon City Hack Tools. Ridha is in Indonesia. But, as an SEO Company NH, we have learned, first hand, the devastation he can cause our clients.
"Little Ridha," as we have come to know the Ray Ban wearing kid with the cool shirt, is a hacker of the highest order. At the click of a button he recently wiped one of our clients' websites completely off the Internet. In its place he left an ominous screen that said: "You have been attacked by the Java Cyber Army." Scroll down the page and you find Little Ridha's Face Book link.
Take a lax attitude toward cyber security and it's possible for a ten year old Indonesian to make your website look like this.
Of course, hacking Internet sites is almost as old as the Internet itself. What's sad is that this particular client is that, as an SEO company NH, we offered back in August to do monthly maintenance on their site, which would have included site backups as well as some basic work to protect against hacking. Now, this multi-million dollar company has no backup data and no prospects of rebuilding their site in less than a week or two at very high cost. Even worse, their site is a stellar example of search engine optimization, yielding hundreds of leads each month. Those, of course, go away until the site is back up and running. What we don't know, yet, is if "Little Ridha" has compromised out client's search status with Google, Yahoo and Bing. As an SEO company NH we know it could take months to get them back to Page One of the search engine results pages if Little Ridha has his way.
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