Digital marketing is almost everywhere online. In order to truly modernize and expand your business, you need a company that is experienced and competent to accelerate your digital marketing campaign. At Kirk Communications, we can help your business grow while providing sound expertise in digitalizing, optimizing, and socializing your brand. Kirk Communications can help you… Read More
You and your company’s content marketing strategy is built around search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO. This facet of marketing has changed over the years, but still remains atop most marketers’ agendas. This is because your company’s SEO directs customers to you and your products, as well as impacting your sales by introducing customers… Read More
With billions of websites and new ones being added every day, content becomes one of the most important factors in ranking your site against your competitors. Adding new content to your site should be a part of your overall marketing budget and weekly if not daily activities. New content shows your customers that you are… Read More
Maddie Swymer reveals her comprehensive research on website-related issues that hinder your local SEO presence when you are trying hard to sell local. So, your website boasts beautiful visuals, a frequently updated blog, and social media integration… but you’re still not ranking locally on Google for your services. There might be a fault in your… Read More
Since 1993, I have worked in technology marketing. Before the advent of the internet, email and social campaigns, the main medium to identify, track and get customers into a pipeline was through live events. Those consisted of tradeshows, seminars and analyst meetings.
One website design & development company’s opinion. As a website design & development company with significant SEO experience we’re pretty biased on SEO DIY. Just a few short years ago, a website owner could make sure they had the right Meta tags, some anchor text and a few well-chosen keywords to get them on the… Read More
You can never be too rich or too thin said the Dutchess of Windsor. But, as a website design & development company, we do know that you can be over SEOd. Just ask Google. It was only a couple of years ago that Google started looking for “over SEOd” sites. That is, sites with keyword… Read More
Will the Heartbleed security bug affect security on your site? When you’re a website design & development company you quickly learn that, when it comes to the Internet, you have to be ready for anything and everything. Such was the case when the Heartbleed security bug was discovered last week. Why is it called Heartbleed?… Read More
It happens every day, small, medium and even large companies spend a fortune building fancy new websites. They fuss over the design, whether the drop shadows are in the right place and whether the home page has too much text which would spoil the artistry of the fancy photos that are chosen. As an NH… Read More
There’s a glaring problem with modern website design and development. First, it’s not very modern. Far too many web shops are comprised of one or two people. They are expected to know all the software, coding, SEO techniques, content creation, social media, digital marketing and a whole host of other capabilities. All of the above… Read More
There’s a real conundrum for website design and development agencies and their clients. Clients (and presumably the users of their websites) absolutely love clean, simple, beautifully designed home pages. Unfortunately, Google hates them. Well, they don’t really hate them, per se, but they do ignore them, largely because there is no text. Google search algorithms… Read More
As an NH SEO company, we often get asked what is the best way to optimize for the local level? First, companies know who their customers are. Where are they located? Are they primarily located in their state or are more located nationally? Who do they want to sell to now and in the future?… Read More
Beware the fly-by-night SEO company. We meet with people all the time who have spent years building valuable e-commerce sites only to be done in by one unscrupulous SEO NH company. Take for example, the company who hired an SEO company that promised to add 29,000 back links per month to their site in order… Read More
Do Paid Ads Work?… Read More
You may not understand all there is to know about search engine optimization, but you know you need it. So you decide to hire and SEO company. That’s an option that’s fraught with danger. That is, unless you know how to select an SEO company. Sadly, there are a lot of SEO company fraudsters out… Read More