Why Every Business Should do Blogging

Every business and their website should have an active site, and a major aspect of an active site is a blog. Blogs are important for updating website content and giving your users information on your business and the latest company news that can be shared. From an SEO standpoint, blogging is a major tool that… Read More

Voice Search Optimization

Ok Google… Hey Siri… Hey Cortana… Aelxa… Think about every time you have used a voice search on your smartphone to look up information online. Voice enabled devices allow for quick maneuvering on your smartphone, whether you use to set an alarm or looking up information on Google. Soon, voice searches might represent the majority… Read More

Google Medic Update

Back in early August, Google released a new core algorithm update that is already impacting sites accessing the preeminent search engine. This is the company’s third update in 2018. The update, known as the “Google Medic Update,” is Google’s latest broad, global update. As alluded by the update’s nickname, the update mostly is impacting healthcare… Read More

Kirk Communications Can Help Your Business Grow

Digital marketing is almost everywhere online. In order to truly modernize and expand your business, you need a company that is experienced and competent to accelerate your digital marketing campaign. At Kirk Communications, we can help your business grow while providing sound expertise in digitalizing, optimizing, and socializing your brand. Kirk Communications can help you… Read More

Website Design Trends

When your company evolves its web design and development strategy, it can also become a means of refining your brand in general. Updating your websites design with revamped layouts that allow for easy navigation to you and your products will only help in driving business and adding new patrons. Your website is a medium to… Read More

Best Practices for Designing Forms

Building efficient forms can help grow your business online by connecting to your website visitors and getting them the information they need. Collecting information on your website from users is the key component to any website design and development strategy. A local or global search engine optimization company will tell you the same thing, we… Read More

Are you looking to generate the most revenue you can with your ecommerce page? Crafting the best Ecommerce page on the web will surely get your business noticed for the right reasons. Ecommerce website developmententails some SEO tactics, user-friendly navigation and design, and clear purchase pathways. Continue reading on to learn a few tactics to… Read More

Companies cannot have a mobile marketing strategy that is stagnant. In this rapidly growing digital age, where mobile-friendly websites are a must, it is vital to be one step ahead of your competition. More and more small to medium sized businesses have been placing their budget towards mobile application development to better serve customers in… Read More


Just because you purchased a domain name does not necessarily mean that you own it. Domain names are used to identify one or more IP address that is typed into the URL search bar. Companies have the ability to purchase multiple domain names, often relating to competition or services, and repoint the URL to point… Read More