Every business and their website should have an active site, and a major aspect of an active site is a blog. Blogs are important for updating website content and giving your users information on your business and the latest company news that can be shared. From an SEO standpoint, blogging is a major tool that… Read More
Companies cannot have a mobile marketing strategy that is stagnant. In this rapidly growing digital age, where mobile-friendly websites are a must, it is vital to be one step ahead of your competition. More and more small to medium sized businesses have been placing their budget towards mobile application development to better serve customers in… Read More
Ever heard of Google’s update “MobileGeddon”? Chances are your answer is no…but if you operate a website for your business, you may want to pay attention! This Google algorithm update from 2015 gives mobile friendly websites an extra boost in their search ranking. With over 60% of website traffic coming from mobile devices these days,… Read More