We’ve put together a few key questions to explore in your process of choosing the best local SEO company to work with.
As you learned in our most recent blog, “5 Reasons Local SEO is More Important Than SEO” Local SEO is crucial for growing your business online. Now it’s time for the challenge of choosing the best local SEO company to work with for your specific needs and goals. Everyone claims to be the best in the industry, but many companies won’t be able to justify your spending, as there is no transparency in their local SEO processes. Transparency is key to gaining SEO client trust. As veterans of the SEO industry, we have a collection of questions to help you determine the merit of any prospective local SEO company.
1. Does the company itself rank locally? To find prominent companies in your area, search local keywords, i.e. “nh seo company”, “seo services nh”. This probably seems like the most obvious question, after all, your local SEO company should be ranking high on search results if they’re going to guide you to do the same!
2. What’s your first impression of the company’s site? A quality website should be fast, well-designed, user-friendly, with an updated copyright date. Your local SEO company’s site should exemplify all the features that it offers to clients.
3. What do its clients have to say? There’s nothing better than social proof! Take a look at the company’s reviews, testimonials, and case studies from real clients to get a sense of their work. These resources should be available on the company’s website and easy to access.
4. Who will be part of your team? Does the company have a “meet the team” page? This can be a great resource to get a feel for the people who compose your SEO team. What are their credentials? How big is the company? It’s important to know who you’ll be coordinating with.
5. Is the company present on social media? Any true local SEO expert knows that a strong social media presence is essential for building your brand online. The local SEO company you’re scouting out should be on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and other relevant social platforms. If it doesn’t have these accounts, or there hasn’t been activity on their pages for months – that’s a big red flag!
In your journey to find the perfect best local SEO company to work with, we can’t help but boast about all the services we can offer you at Kirk! Kirk was established by a team of industry professionals who wanted to change the business of SEO – no gimmicks, no hidden fees – just hard work and real results. Every month we provide our clients with detailed performance reports that show specific success rates for your online outlets and keywords. Don’t worry, we’re here to educate you on any parts of the process you’re unfamiliar with! No two businesses have the same online specifications, and our dedicated SEO team constantly re-strategizes to continuously improve your rankings based on your needs. Put us to our own test, and when you’re ready to work with the local SEO experts call Kirk at 603-766-4945.